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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Railroad Worker Or Retired Worker QuestionDate: 05/25/23 10:43 Railroad Worker Or Retired Worker Question Author: dstill Theres a man in the town I'm from that is retired from Amtrak. You see people walking alone the tracks from time to time. These people have sense to get out of the way af a train. I've heard him say I think I'll take a picture and show it to the Chief (police). He wonders up and down the tracks too. He told me if the police came to him he would show them his card? Do retired workers have such a card that allows them wonder and they get a pass?
Date: 05/25/23 11:48 Re: Railroad Worker Or Retired Worker Question Author: WP3545 Nope
Date: 05/25/23 11:58 Re: Railroad Worker Or Retired Worker Question Author: ts1457 WP3545 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Nope and being ex-Amtrak, a card allowing trespass on the host road property would be even more suspect. Date: 05/25/23 12:20 Re: Railroad Worker Or Retired Worker Question Author: WP3545 He may have a pass to ride Amtrak but thats about it,
Date: 05/25/23 17:44 Re: Railroad Worker Or Retired Worker Question Author: dstill I figured he was bsing. He's a good person BUT must be the center of attention. Thanks.