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Model Railroading > my speed photo

Date: 10/28/06 11:29
my speed photo
Author: pmack

With apologies to Rogers and Hammerstein, the '76 trombones in the big parade' were replaced today by 76 645 cubic inch cylinders of turbocharged EMD superpower. A big improvement I must say. Power today is 261 (SD40-2XR), 303 (SD45-2), 391 (F45) and MRL 351 (SD45). As a storm approaches, the swing helper is roaring along in the company notch, adding 13,800hp to lift another coal drag up Capitol Hill .

Date: 10/28/06 12:14
Re: my speed photo
Author: funnelfan

That's a terrific scene. Is that your personal layout, or a club?

Ted Curphey

Date: 10/28/06 14:13
Re: my speed photo
Author: NCA1022

Great photo. I really like the backdrop. Nice work modelling the stream and bridge, too.

- Norm

(Oh, and it was Meredith Willson, not Rodgers and Hammerstein, who wrote The Music Man.)

Date: 10/28/06 15:38
Re: my speed photo
Author: pmack

NCA1022 Wrote:
> Great photo. I really like the backdrop. Nice
> work modelling the stream and bridge, too.
> - Norm
> (Oh, and it was Meredith Willson, not Rodgers and
> Hammerstein, who wrote The Music Man.)

I did not realize that, I have just seen the movie of the Rogers and Hammerstein version. The things you can learn on TO!

Ted, the photo was taken on my Freemo module which is pretty much all the scenery I have finished.

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