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Model Railroading > BNSF 599 - *El Diablo* - ex. ATSF 666

Date: 06/13/07 22:56
BNSF 599 - *El Diablo* - ex. ATSF 666
Author: MrMRL

I picked up a Kato Dash 9 over at Ebay*Mart last week. 669 was a nice number, but I had the decal sheet for 599 and said what the HELL, here are the results. BNSF 599 is the modern day remnant of the infamous Santa Fe 666. Six years after it's BNSF patching in 2001 this unit still roles the rails today and appears to have the same bad luck it had back in it's' glory days.

FREEBIEZ - http://www.pbase.com/mrmrl/bnsf_stuff


Date: 06/13/07 22:58
Re: BNSF 599 - *El Diablo* - ex. ATSF 666
Author: MrMRL

A couple more for good luck...

Date: 06/14/07 06:12
Re: BNSF 599 - *El Diablo* - ex. ATSF 666
Author: atsfman

That is one sick looking puppy. As an ex Santa Fe employee, I grieve over what became of one of the best paint jobs ever to ride the rails.


Date: 06/14/07 20:54
Re: BNSF 599 - *El Diablo* - ex. ATSF 666
Author: BNSFhogger

That's a HELL of an engine.

Date: 06/14/07 22:12
Re: BNSF 599 - *El Diablo* - ex. ATSF 666
Author: DKay

Cool pics Robby,looks like they move a lot of grain at your club.
Regards,Daryl kay.

Date: 06/19/07 15:28
Re: BNSF 599 - *El Diablo* - ex. ATSF 666
Author: atsf5704

DKay Wrote:
> Cool pics Robby,looks like they move a lot of
> grain at your club.
> Regards,Daryl kay.

Given his grain fleet, Richard's, and my own, there could be twenty grain trains of 36 cars each. Of course, MrMRL and myself like longer grain trains - 72 cars or so regularly or more than 100 at times.

And Mongo thinks that he has a lot of ore cars...

Date: 06/22/07 02:10
Re: BNSF 599 - *El Diablo* - ex. ATSF 666
Author: trainman502

Great looking loco, what do you use for the headlight/ditchlights
are they led's?

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