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Model Railroading > "Vic Shattock built British locomotives too"

Date: 07/25/08 07:52
"Vic Shattock built British locomotives too"
Author: KeyRouteKen

Here is a shot of the late Vic Shattock with his wife Vera and a stupid looking "Key Route Ken" to the right of photo. <g>

The location is the old GGLS track in Redwood Regional Park in Oakland, CA--circa 1969.

The lead engine is the "LION" (circa-1838) and famed in the movie "The Titfield Thunderbolt".

The rear engine is a 6-2-0 "CRAMPTON" (circa-1845)...
My DVD captures these two engines running together.

His third British engine was a "Sterling SINGLE" ..
All were built in 1"-scale, 4 3/4" gauge..

As a sidenote, ALL of Vic's many boilers were "lagged" with ASBESTOS as per the prototypes !!!!!

I used to help him apply the stuff before applying the final outer boiler jacket. How 'bout THAT !!



Date: 07/25/08 08:54
Re: "Vic Shattock built British locomotives too"
Author: AlanG

Amazing. Not many people today could match his work and devotion. It almost seams overwhelming one man built that many locomotives in one lifetime with such accuracy to scale and detail and with the limited tools of its day. Its evident he lived and breathed railroading:)
Thanks for sharing.

Date: 07/25/08 10:09
Re: "Vic Shattock built British locomotives too"
Author: wabash2800


Were the driver tires applied like the prototype or where they all one piece?

Date: 07/25/08 10:20
Re: "Vic Shattock built British locomotives too"
Author: KeyRouteKen

The DRIVERS were castings that he machined on the lathe.
Then the wheels were given a "press fit" onto the axle, by placing in a bench vice. You'd never get it off again.

Date: 07/27/08 17:25
Re: "Vic Shattock built British locomotives too"
Author: wabash2800

Ken did a he do any large locos like the cab forwards?

Date: 07/27/08 20:30
Re: "Vic Shattock built British locomotives too"
Author: KeyRouteKen

None of Vic's family members nor his railroad co-workers nor his fellow "Live Steam" enthusiasts could ever convince "VIC" to build an SP Cab Forward locomotive in ANY scale.
IF he did, it would have been an absolute masterpiece.

However, the excuse he always gave was:
"It's like building **TWO** engines at once....."

But as we know, he built so many engines in his lifetime, what difference would THAT have made ??

Besides my DVD of the Basement Railroad in operation and outdoor operation of his other creations, I plan to take photos of ALL the engines I can find and place on a CD for archival purposes and reference material...

Besides predominantly Southern Pacific prototypes as well as three British prototypes from the 1800's, he built a B&O "President Washinton" class locomotive in the mid-1930's... I know who has this engine.
I "think" its number was 5300...

It is an honor to be one of his Grandsons ... Vic's father was "James W. Shattock", a Stationmaster on the famous "Great Western Railway" in England. 47 years of service (1878--1925)...
When my wife and I got married in 1973, Suzie gave me a beautiful gold RR watch for our first Christmas together.
It hangs in a cute little domed display case in my office at home. Next to it are TWO more similar display cases. You guessed it, folks!!
In the other two "domes" are the RR watches of "James" and "Victor" that they carried for so many years.
I cherish all THREE !!
Memories just never cease, do they ??


Ken Shattock (KRK)

Date: 07/28/08 07:04
Re: "Vic Shattock built British locomotives too"
Author: wabash2800

Ken, please excuse me for asking but were you not a biological grandson? I ask that because in a previouis post you wrote that your father left you and you found yourself with a Brittish couple and I thought you wrote that Vic hadn't had any children of his own? But I also see you write grandson so I'm confused.

I'm confused but still very much impressed by a man with such talent and moved by someone that took a kid under his wing like his own. My first name is Victor also but my scratchbuilding efforts so far pale in comparison to Mr.

Thanks again for sharing.

Date: 07/28/08 09:26
Re: "Vic Shattock built British locomotives too"
Author: KeyRouteKen

Vic- There are sure a LOT of Victor's floating around.

Victor Shattock, my paternal grandfather
Ken Shattock (ME) (KRK)-- middle name 'Victor'..
Wabash 2800-- 1st name 'Victor'
Jeff Thomas (KRK's cousin)-- middle name 'Victor'..

It just continues, huh??

Vic Shattock had six children. His third eldest was 'Jim'--my "real Dad"-- who evidently decided I wasn't worth it and abandoned his family.
"Jim" worked for SP for fifteen years as foreman of a System-wide welding gang--later becoming a COP for the City of Oakland--later still, becoming a COP in Reno,NV.

My "real Mother" only seemed to care about her two oldest kids. Sad, huh?? I know this is going out on the Internet, but who cares at this point.

So--the parents of the "derelict Dad" took me in and raised me as their "seventh child"...
From the various discussions as well as many stories and photos I have posted over the years, it should be easy to tell how this "kid" was brought into a "hobby" that will last a lifetime.
My grandfather taught me mechanical things as well as "all things SP" and "all things **Live Steam**" ..
My grandmother would take me to San Francisco via a Key System train or an SP ferryboat and then an old 'iron monster' Muni streetcar to see the historic wonders of the City which no longer exist--Sutro Baths, Cliff House,
Playland, Fleischacker Pool, the Academy of Sciences,
the African Hall exhibit, and on and on and on.
Anyway, I survived because of two individuals that LOVED me more than others and that's what a young child needs.

Now, regarding my Key System heritage (besides SP)---
One of my grandfather's many visitors to both the basement railroad as well as the GGLS track in Redwood Park, was "ED SIEMS" who was a longtime Officer for the Key System. My grandfather sold ED one of his locomotives. This is where I learned more about the "KEY"...

Photo 1. 1973-- Oakland Hobby Show--
Oakland Auditorium.. That's ME in the center--with glasses and blue jacket--carrying on the family tradition of putting on Live Steam public displays..
My 'grandpa' would be gone from my life within six months!

Photo 2. My introduction into the land of "Live Steam" models and railroads in general.. About 1950..

Photo 3. Getting an SP Class P-4 "Pacific" ready to roll. (1960)
WE were always in that old basement together. The basement with the sawdust covered floor.
The basement where thousands of visitors have been entertained.
The basement where Hollywood celebrities have stared in awe.
The basement that was the foundation for the forming of the Golden Gate Live Steamers.
The basement where reporters and other members of the news media have written exciting stories from.
The basement where the NMRA and the Model Railroad ICONS of the world have stood and seen what can be done with one man's own hands. (Walthers, Kalmbach, Westcott, Towers, the "Wizard of Monterey", and so many others.

And finally, "The Basement"-- where both TRAINS and 'LOVE' can co-exist in an everyday World !!

Take care..


Date: 07/28/08 09:36
Re: "Vic Shattock built British locomotives too"
Author: wabash2800

Thanks Ken.

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