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Model Railroading > Collectible RR CYCLOPEDIA reference books

Date: 01/24/23 08:00
Collectible RR CYCLOPEDIA reference books
Author: Spikes

FYI, I find 15 editions of the large and rare “LOCOMOTIVE CYCLOPEDIA” were published for the railroad industry 1909 to 1956.
Then 12 big editions of “MODEL RAILROADER CYCLOPEDIA” for modelers were published 1936 to 1976 and perhaps more after that.
Also, 90 volumes of “TRAINSHED CYCLOPEDIA” magazine were published 1972 to 1980.
All have fine plans for building trains and are collectible. Correct? 

Date: 01/24/23 09:07
Re: Collectible RR CYCLOPEDIA reference books
Author: bigmc83

Collectable....probably.  Valuable.....Unfortunately not as much these days based on my observations

I recently saw the Model Railroad and Trainshed cyclopedias on an estate auction that had many RR related books, etc.  Those sold for between $5-$15 and were in book lots with a few other titles. 

The Locomotive Cyclopedias might be a different story as those are pretty comprehensive books, but I haven't seen any for sale lately.  I'm not sure if the generation that found value in these books is still alive these days, thus I think they appeal to a smaller market

My two cents, but I would check around and see.


Date: 01/24/23 09:39
Re: Collectible RR CYCLOPEDIA reference books
Author: Topfuel

Don't forget the very large CARBUILDER'S CYCLOPEDIAS as well.  Some very valuable historical passenger and freight car information in the pre-war and post-war editions.  And always many ads from the various vendors that produced items for passenger and freight cars.

Date: 01/25/23 00:00
Re: Collectible RR CYCLOPEDIA reference books
Author: steeplecab

Later on (post '60?) the Locomotive Cyclopedias and Car Builders Cyclopedia were combined into the Car & Locomotive Cyclopedias. As I recall, they were later published by Simmons-Boardman, the company who publishes the Railway Age and many other railroad-related publications.

Date: 01/26/23 08:01
Re: Collectible RR CYCLOPEDIA reference books
Author: filldiesel76

This is a very interesting thread. 
I am at  the middle of my 40´s and love RR books.
For me it´s so sad to see, that so many people at my age when confronted with that theme, (buying books) just says: "I can find it on the internet..."
Not everything can be found on the internet.  There are so many fantastic works which were never digitized (scanned) and they just wont be, so they will never become an internet text or PDF data. 
We are really a dying breed...
That is just sad... 
Thanks for posting!

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