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Model Railroading > Making your own Billboard?

Date: 03/15/23 21:38
Making your own Billboard?
Author: wabash2800

Eventually, I'm going to build a model billboard from scratch or from a kit and park it near an opening in the backdrop where my trains pass through. I though I'd use my own image rather than stock items from a kit. Perhaps I can find a railroad passenger advertisement in a public timetable, for example, in the period I model. I don't think my Wabash RR did that, but I have seen photos of that done on other railroads like the Southern Pacific, for example. It would seem to be a fun way to identify the railroad and the era.

Has anyone here made their own billboards? I model in HO.  I plan on adding some lighting too. Perhaps I could set it up so the advertisement could be changed occassionaly much like the real thing.

Victor Baird

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/23 21:48 by wabash2800.

Date: 03/15/23 23:30
Re: Making your own Billboard?
Author: up421

Hi Victor,

Years ago I set up several billboards on a club layout.

In most cases I used commercially available kits or even assembled billboards.  Often I changed what was being advertised from what was included with the kit or assembled billboard.  As I recall, at least some of the billboards allowed for changing the advertisement.

It might be a good idea to check out what is available from Woodland Scenics, and other manufacturers to get an idea of what appeals to you.  Historical photos would be good for reference as well.  No need to actually purchase, if you would prefer to roll your own.

Sounds like a fun project.

Have fun!


Date: 03/16/23 04:36
Re: Making your own Billboard?
Author: chessie7602

I made several of my own billboards and signs to give my layout the feel of the era I was modeling.

1) The KDKA Pirates billboard was taken from an old Pirates scorebook I had from the 80s

2) I created the USS entrance sign by finding the USS logo and adding the plant name and location

3) The WDVE billboard came with a bumper sticker I had.  The road signs were downloaded off the internet and I changed the route numbers to match the area I was modeling


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/16/23 09:03 by chessie7602.

Date: 03/16/23 10:39
Re: Making your own Billboard?
Author: Pattenburg

Two billboards I created...
- In the Hamm's Beer sign, I scanned in their Hamm's" font and then added the wording on top.
-Ringling Brothers billboard was created by using one of their brochures to scan it in and then adding the wording as to when it would appear in Trenton.

creating your own billboards is fun and also adds a personal touch with your message instead of just using something purchased in a store.

Date: 03/17/23 13:10
Re: Making your own Billboard?
Author: tomstp

Take a photo of one of your trains from an angle where the engine shows good and has cars behind it.  Print the photo and put it in your own sign with some lettering like Wabash Fast Freight.

Date: 03/17/23 14:50
Re: Making your own Billboard?
Author: Floridarailfan

A friend made me a wonderful “Welcome to Florida” billboard featuring a young lady riding an alligator. It inspired the following limerick:

There once was a young lady from Tallahassee
Who jumped on a Gator all sassy
The ride ended later
With a smile on the Gator
And no sign of the Florida lassie.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 03/18/23 16:24
Re: Making your own Billboard?
Author: dschlegel

Pattenburg Wrote:
> Two billboards I created...
> - In the Hamm's Beer sign, I scanned in their
> Hamm's" font and then added the wording on top.
> -Ringling Brothers billboard was created by using
> one of their brochures to scan it in and then
> adding the wording as to when it would appear in
> Trenton.
> creating your own billboards is fun and also adds
> a personal touch with your message instead of just
> using something purchased in a store.

Hey I recognize that Hamm’s billboard!

Thom did a great job on that billboard, it is perched above my Hamm’s N scale brewery.


Posted from iPhone

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