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Model Railroading > Pevler blue has arrived ( and in less then 96 hours ).

Date: 03/20/23 18:24
Pevler blue has arrived ( and in less then 96 hours ).
Author: Highhood

It's a beautiful looking unit that is a totally silent runner.
Lights operate perfectly out of the box and after changing cv2 and 5 unit runs perfectly with my athearn highhoods.

My only surprise about this unit is that there is no see through ereas.
Not a big deal but it is a item I became used to seeing on my other scaletrains units.

Jon Fink
Schenectady, NY

Date: 03/20/23 18:31
Re: Pevler blue has arrived ( and in less then 96 hours ).
Author: Highhood

Sorry about the poor quality of the pictures.
The lighting in this apartment makes the unit look black.

Jon Fink
Schenectady, NY

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/20/23 18:35 by Highhood.

Date: 03/20/23 18:33
Re: Pevler blue has arrived ( and in less then 96 hours ).
Author: ts1457

Looks like black. You have to compare the body and the trucks to get a hint of blue.

Your lighting must have turned blue black. The blue comes out on the Scale Trains website:

Rivet Counter HO Scale EMD GP30, Norfolk & Western/Pevler Blue (scaletrains.com)

Anyhow thanks for sharing. What type of lighting caused the shift?

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 03/20/23 19:29 by ts1457.

Date: 03/20/23 19:49
Re: Pevler blue has arrived ( and in less then 96 hours ).
Author: CPR_4000

Looks like your light source is directly overhead. Try moving it so it hits the model at about 45 degrees.

I like the closer-to-scale-width coupler boxes. Nice engine.

Date: 03/21/23 06:32
Re: Pevler blue has arrived ( and in less then 96 hours ).
Author: PasadenaSub

Really nice looking engine.  Great job ScaleTrains!


Date: 03/21/23 15:11
Re: Pevler blue has arrived ( and in less then 96 hours ).
Author: moose

Looks blue on my (ancient) iMac. Dark blue, for sure, but definitely blue.

Date: 03/21/23 15:21
Re: Pevler blue has arrived ( and in less then 96 hours ).
Author: TomG

moose Wrote:
> Looks blue on my (ancient) iMac. Dark blue, for
> sure, but definitely blue.

I was thinking the same thing, looks very blue to me as well on my tablet.

Date: 03/21/23 16:24
Re: Pevler blue has arrived ( and in less then 96 hours ).
Author: JETRR

I see the Pevler blue on my calibrated monitor. No problem with the lighting used. 

Date: 03/23/23 07:41
Re: Pevler blue has arrived ( and in less then 96 hours ).
Author: rh11481

Forgot that I had preordered one of the N&W high hoods long ago.  it arrived last week, and I agree it is a great looking and great running model.  My unit has about 4 hours of run time on it, no issues. So not content to leave well enough alone, I have two high hood P2K Southern Railway GP30s (2603 and 2613) that were made into non-powered units a couple of years ago, so had to wonder if the N&W Scaletrains GP30 DCC & sound unit would fit under a Southern Railway P2K shell.  Was pleasantly surprised to learn that the shell fit right over the new GP30 Scaletrains drive unit, but the coupler boxes presented an issue.  I had to cut out a little more of the coupler box opening on the SRR unit (each end), for the Scaletrains coupler box to fit through the SRR shell.  Then I discovered that the screw fit into the coupler box hole ok, but didn't grab onto anything to hold it in place. Turns out I cut the threaded nubs off of the N&W shell and glued them into the SRR shell, to give the screw something to grab onto.  Long story short, I now have a great looking and running SRR GP30 (2603), with a P2K shell and Scaletrains drive, and 2613 remains a P2K non-powered unit.  Because I had to cut off the threaded nubs on the N&W shell, it is now a parts shell.  If someone comes up with a better way to reattach the couplers without cutting off the Scaletrains "threaded nubs", the Scaletrains shell could be saved and repurposed. Also put Kadee #148s on the repurposed unit.

Side note, I thought when I put the P2K SRR shell on the Scaletrains drive unit, I would lose the classification lights, but surprisingly I can still see them shining through the P2K shell.  If not for the coupler box issue, I'd probably convert the other one (2613), but think I'll stick with the one for now. Scaletrains did a great job with these.  Hope to see SRR releases in the future.

Date: 04/02/23 08:57
Re: Pevler blue has arrived ( and in less then 96 hours ).
Author: Bunny218

I was directed to this post after having commented elsewhere. IMHO that color is too dark and almost looks black. It is blue, but it's darker looking than the promo photo that they used (which somebody linked above) and is in the correct looking blue. To me the problem isn't just the lighting. I checked mine out in various lighting and compared it to other models "that look right", and these things look way too dark. It's possible that Scale Trains used the actual paint match and it just doesn't scale down correctly, who knows.

N&W Pevler Blue was a dark blue, but it still basically looked blue and not near black. It look's blue in most photo's and I personally know it was blue looking. Rumor was that it could have been the same as Wabash blue, but who know if that is true or not. I just know they looked blue next to anything black. Oh well, IMHO it's just a shame as that model is so nice. Each to his own, but I'm rather annoyed about it and probably going to do the last thing I wanted to do - repaint to look blue (or maybe less likely black). I just don't like it and makes no sense to me to have a hobby anything that I don't like.

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