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Model Railroading > It's such a Drag...

Date: 09/30/24 03:29
It's such a Drag...
Author: funnelfan

SP SD45X #9503 leads a run through UP SD40-2 and a standard SP SD45 on a drag freight heading into the mountains of the Caldwell Model Railroad Club & Historical Society layout in Caldwell, ID. A SP SD40T-2 is cut in 2/3rds back to get the long train through the steep and sharp curves.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

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Date: 09/30/24 07:18
Re: It's such a Drag...
Author: 3rdswitch

Very nice. Love the variety of SP cars.

Date: 09/30/24 07:56
Re: It's such a Drag...
Author: icancmp193

Very impressive!


Date: 09/30/24 08:13
Re: It's such a Drag...
Author: TCnR

Nicely done.

Date: 09/30/24 08:13
Re: It's such a Drag...
Author: tomstp

Wow, long train and thank goodness it has a caboose.

Date: 09/30/24 08:18
Re: It's such a Drag...
Author: FiveChime

Quite an investment in rolling stock on that train and all accurate!
Regards, Jim Evans

Date: 09/30/24 10:24
Re: It's such a Drag...
Author: Sasquatch

Awesome, Ted. Are those all your cars, or a club mix? Either way, it’s a great train reflecting a lot of modeling work and skill. Very nice!

• Tom (Seattle area)

Date: 09/30/24 10:53
Re: It's such a Drag...
Author: funnelfan

Sasquatch Wrote:
> Awesome, Ted. Are those all your cars, or a club
> mix? Either way, it’s a great train reflecting a
> lot of modeling work and skill. Very nice!
> • Tom (Seattle area)

Thanks guys. It's all my own equipment. I've been buying the SP cars in the recent releases from Tangent, Rapido, Atlas, Moloco as well as buying some of the older Athearn and Intermountain cars to replace my earlier fleet of upgraded MDC and E&C Shops cars. Just need to catch up on the weathering now.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Date: 09/30/24 10:57
Re: It's such a Drag...
Author: SPDRGWfan

Being an SP fan and much of the rolling stock also ran across the Rockies I recognize Athearn Genesis, Tangent, Intermountain, Rapido and Moloco - oh and Wheels of Time, freight cars in that train, which I also have all those too.  Good times for SP fans!


Date: 09/30/24 11:06
Re: It's such a Drag...
Author: Barstool

TEDj...It was a day by day SP freight with al the choice of cars n that freight those were would be my choic also,, a great time towatch your drag make its way with a SD45X on tyhe point...l

Date: 09/30/24 15:00
Re: It's such a Drag...
Author: ChrisCampi

Train had a nice rumble too.

Date: 09/30/24 21:50
Re: It's such a Drag...
Author: gnguy

awesome scenery

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