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Model Railroading > RBBX 80719 My Latest Car

Date: 11/22/24 05:34
RBBX 80719 My Latest Car
Author: needles_sub

Here's my latest Red Unit flat car. The car is a Walthers 89' flat with center rub rails removed and replaced with rub rails on both sides of the car. The tow motor is the same one pictured before, but I kit bashed it to look more like the ones the circus used. The long  trailers are by Herpa, the 20' trailer is a Walthers smooth side container. The wheel assemblies are by Circus City Decals.

Date: 11/22/24 08:43
Re: RBBX 80719 My Latest Car
Author: boejoe

Another "well done".  When the train is completed, is it possible to shoot a video of the entire circus train operating on a layout?  Would be an interesting film to watch.

Date: 11/22/24 12:40
Re: RBBX 80719 My Latest Car
Author: rbx551985

This one's prototype had a rather surprising heritage:

RBBX 80719                        

Original Reporting MarksFEC 4183
Ordered Dec. 1977; Built in 1978 by ACF (American Car & Foundry), lot No. 11-05615
AAR class FC; Car Code F077 as built.  Changed to type code P716, later P841.
Originally built for Trailers or Containers; painted brown with white lettering.

 Ringling Bros.’ ownership data:  Purchased from GATX, March 2008.
FLORIDA EAST COAST RR piggyback flatcar

1978-2008: FEC 4183 [North America] TOFC/COFC service
2008 - Sold to RBBB Circus; acquired from GATX railcar services; sent to DeCOURSEY, KY railcar shops - RECYCLE
2009-2016: RBBX 80719 - RED UNIT Flatcar
 Car Body Type:  (CS) Carbon Steel
Brake Valve Type:  ABDXL (presumed) 

NOTES:  * TOFC = Trailer On Flat Car (piggyback service)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/22/24 12:41 by rbx551985.

Date: 11/22/24 12:50
Re: RBBX 80719 My Latest Car
Author: rbx551985

About that middle wagon..... there were a bunch of those on the Blue Unit which had that logo, and some may have been sent over to the Red Unit during their final years touring by rail.  Here are TWO of them I was repainting in Norfolk and Hampton, Virginia in March 2010:  wagons 16 and 18.  These were on the Blue Unit's train in 2010, repainted in time to be seen behind the Challenger 3985 steam engine later that year, Sept. 28, on our run south from Speer, Wyoming to Denver, Colorado.

First image:  the first day of painting the wagons across the street from Norfolk Scope arena.
Second image:  final appearance of the wagons, in the parking lot a week later at Hampton Coliseum.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/22/24 12:52 by rbx551985.

Date: 11/22/24 17:01
Re: RBBX 80719 My Latest Car
Author: needles_sub

boejoe Wrote:
> Another "well done".  When the train is
> completed, is it possible to shoot a video of the
> entire circus train operating on a layout?  Would
> be an interesting film to watch.
> jb

I will do that.

Posted from Android

Date: 11/22/24 17:17
Re: RBBX 80719 My Latest Car
Author: needles_sub

rbx551985 Wrote:
> About that middle wagon..... there were a bunch of
> those on the Blue Unit which had that logo, and
> some may have been sent over to the Red Unit
> during their final years touring by rail.  Here
> are TWO of them I was repainting in Norfolk and
> Hampton, Virginia in March 2010:  wagons 16 and
> 18.  These were on the Blue Unit's train in 2010,
> repainted in time to be seen behind the Challenger
> 3985 steam engine later that year, Sept. 28, on
> our run south from Speer, Wyoming to Denver,
> Colorado.
> First image:  the first day of painting the
> wagons across the street from Norfolk Scope
> arena.
> Second image:  final appearance of the wagons, in
> the parking lot a week later at Hampton Coliseum.

I watch a lot of Ringling Red Unit circus train videos on YouTube to see what the mix of trailer logo's was. In many videos, one or two trailers always with this style of logo showed up on the train, as well as other types of logo's.
When I saw the Red Unit train at crossings, I remember the mix of trailer sizes and paint schemes. I'm trying to get that type of mix and avoid the cookie cutter look.

Posted from Android

Date: 11/23/24 03:16
Re: RBBX 80719 My Latest Car
Author: rbx551985

needles_sub Wrote:

> I watch a lot of Ringling Red Unit circus train
> videos on YouTube to see what the mix of trailer
> logo's was. In many videos, one or two trailers
> always with this style of logo showed up on the
> train, as well as other types of logo's.
> When I saw the Red Unit train at crossings, I
> remember the mix of trailer sizes and paint
> schemes. I'm trying to get that type of mix and
> avoid the cookie cutter look.

Everything you are doing with this model is astonishing, inspiring, and just plain FUN.  I can tell you from others who were on either rail tour (Red or Blue), your model Red Unit is spot on and is evoking a LOT of fond and plesant memories "of what was."  WELL DONE!

Date: 11/24/24 05:09
Re: RBBX 80719 My Latest Car
Author: needles_sub

rbx551985 Wrote:
> needles_sub Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I watch a lot of Ringling Red Unit circus train
> > videos on YouTube to see what the mix of
> trailer
> > logo's was. In many videos, one or two trailers
> > always with this style of logo showed up on the
> > train, as well as other types of logo's.
> > When I saw the Red Unit train at crossings, I
> > remember the mix of trailer sizes and paint
> > schemes. I'm trying to get that type of mix and
> > avoid the cookie cutter look.
> Everything you are doing with this model is
> astonishing, inspiring, and just plain FUN.  I
> can tell you from others who were on either rail
> tour (Red or Blue), your model Red Unit is spot on
> and is evoking a LOT of fond and plesant memories
> "of what was."  WELL DONE!

Thank you!

Posted from Android

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