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Model Railroading > Some from the CB&W Open House in Grafton (Yorktown), Va.

Date: 11/26/24 12:33
Some from the CB&W Open House in Grafton (Yorktown), Va.
Author: rbx551985

This past weekend's Chesapeake Bay & Western (CB&W) public Open House had quite the visitor turnout.  Here are a few scenes, with more to come once I can convert the JFIF (?) files into JPG's.

(1) An HO scale model of the actual building in which the model RR is housed is now a part of the layout - seen upon entry to the building from the PROTOTYPE door show at left in the image.

(2) CB&W 958 all lit up.  Langley Yard traffic has another inbound train to sort out.  (CB&W's freelance route runs from Langley/NASA at Hampton Roads, Va. to E. St. Louis).

(3) The Borne Coal pier at "Arsenal, Va."

Date: 11/26/24 12:38
Re: Some from the CB&W Open House in Grafton (Yorktown), Va.
Author: rbx551985

More from CB&W's Fall 2024 Open House:
(1) Arsenal, Va. township, just west of Langley Yard
(2) Same town - CRAB SHACK is open and serving!
(3) Crab Shack closeup .... with butter dip, those Chesapeake Bay blue crabs are an inviting menu item.

Date: 11/26/24 12:41
Re: Some from the CB&W Open House in Grafton (Yorktown), Va.
Author: rbx551985

Some of CB&W's passenger service "blue train" consists are seen here.

(1) Eastbound at the end of Langley Yard.
(2) After running the Langley Loop, it's ready to depart to the west again.
(3) That train and another are seen at the other END of the layout (directly above Langley Yard in the clubhouse/layout building), at "French Creek Station."

Date: 11/26/24 12:42
Re: Some from the CB&W Open House in Grafton (Yorktown), Va.
Author: rbx551985

I'll post more when I'm able to finish converting the JFIF pics (from my android cell phone) to JPG's.

Date: 11/26/24 17:41
Re: Some from the CB&W Open House in Grafton (Yorktown), Va.
Author: boejoe

Nice pics.  The model of your club building is a great idea.

Date: 11/26/24 18:31
Re: Some from the CB&W Open House in Grafton (Yorktown), Va.
Author: NiagaraMike

Very nice layout!

Date: 11/26/24 19:29
Re: Some from the CB&W Open House in Grafton (Yorktown), Va.
Author: tomstp

Most interesting that "fog" seems to appear in many pictures.

Date: 11/29/24 08:46
Re: Some from the CB&W Open House in Grafton (Yorktown), Va.
Author: rbx551985

tomstp Wrote:
> Most interesting that "fog" seems to appear in
> many pictures.

All pics were taken with an android cell phone and were saved as "JFIF" files (I have NO idea what that means), and later converted to JPG's for posting online. I guess that's what causes such fog effects, which will also be seen in, likely, others I'll soon add here.

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