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Model Railroading > ScaleTrains Announces Frankenlocos

Date: 01/26/25 01:27
ScaleTrains Announces Frankenlocos
Author: funnelfan

Back in the early 1990's, EMD rebuilt a series of ex-Southern Railway high hood GP30's into GP39E locomotives for Burlington Northern. They replaced the cab and nose with Dash-2 style cab and nose giving the locomotives a unique look. Scale trains is offering the units BN #2759, 2761, 2762, 2768, 2773, 2774. So far I've found that I photographed the #2759 among those being offered. But I caught far more of the units with their original GP30 cab and nose than this series of rebuilds with the altered cab and nose. I will settle on a BN #2759.

PS; BNSF bumped the whole series of units down ten numbers to accomodate ATSF units into the roster. So BNSF #2759 was originally BN #2769. Oddly BN #2759 and #2760 were originally NKP units with low short hoods, but still got the same cab replacement treatment as the ex-SOU units.



Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/26/25 18:35 by funnelfan.

Date: 01/26/25 07:04
Re: ScaleTrains Announces Frankenlocos
Author: JimMRL

My credit card just started to cry....

Date: 01/26/25 07:38
Re: ScaleTrains Announces Frankenlocos
Author: KA7008

Buckle up for the "why on Earth would they do this model" comments...

Date: 01/26/25 10:41
Re: ScaleTrains Announces Frankenlocos
Author: Cole42

KA7008 Wrote:
> Buckle up for the "why on Earth would they do this
> model" comments...

I think there are quite a few models that fit that question, but it gives me hope that someday someone will do a WM chopnosed GP9.  Since they were unique with their flat cab front and headlights/numberboards on the lowered hood none of the other low nose models work.

Date: 01/27/25 20:57
Re: ScaleTrains Announces Frankenlocos
Author: Sasquatch

These are my favorite geeps; I admire their powerful, hump-backed "brutish" looks...like they mean business.
I regularly see these in Everett, WA's Delta Yard heading up BNSF locals; though lately most--if not all--are in H3 Wedge paint these days.

I'm very happy Scaletrains sees value in doing these unique units. On my wish list is a similarly unique unit: BN's B30-7AB boosters in a couple configurations. Being able to get some of those would definitely make my wallet gently weep!

• Tom (Seattle area)

Link to MartyBernard's Larry Auglund's B30-7AB photos on TO:

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/27/25 21:09 by Sasquatch.

Date: 01/28/25 15:54
Re: ScaleTrains Announces Frankenlocos
Author: tracktime

Sasquatch Wrote:
Amen on the BN B30-7A(B)s..   They were one of my favorites, and the big prize to find them in pooled service on other roads.

> I'm very happy Scaletrains sees value in doing
> these unique units. On my wish list is a similarly
> unique unit: BN's B30-7AB boosters in a couple
> configurations. Being able to get some of those
> would definitely make my wallet gently weep!
> • Tom (Seattle area)
> Link to MartyBernard's Larry Auglund's B30-7AB
> photos on TO:
> https://www.trainorders.com/discussion/read.php?11
> ,5683426,5683429#msg-5683429

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