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Model Railroading > Ringling Bros Circus flats and wagons

Date: 01/28/25 01:23
Ringling Bros Circus flats and wagons
Author: needles_sub

Two more circus flats with wagons and support vehicles. Nothing really note worthy, just routine cars.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/28/25 01:29 by needles_sub.

Date: 01/28/25 01:29
Re: Ringling Bros Circus flats and wagons
Author: needles_sub

Brown container is a Walthers model that represents a new circus wagon, yet to be painted. The other wagons are Circus City products, as are the decals used. The John Deere tractor is a Shapeways product and the tug motor is a modified model by Auhagen. 

Date: 01/28/25 03:11
Re: Ringling Bros Circus flats and wagons
Author: CSX2605

Looks fantastic! Excellent work!

Date: 01/28/25 15:47
Re: Ringling Bros Circus flats and wagons
Author: rbx551985

Models are of (1) RBBX 84711 and (2) RBBX 80719.  The heritage of the PROTOTYPE cars these used to be are:

RBBX 84711

Original Reporting MarksSP 518101
Built in May, 1979 by Bethlehem Steelas a BI-LEVEL AUTO-RACK
 Ringling Bros.’ ownership data:  Purchased in 8/1993 from Southern Pacific RR

1979     SP 518101  N. American Automotive transport svc.
1993     SOLD to RBBB Circus – August 1993
1994     W.Q. 8101  PALMETTO Shops - RECYCLE

            S.P. bi-level upper tier REMOVED; fold-up CATWALK added to both sides of car       

1995-1996: RBBX 84711 (21) RED UNIT Flatcar
1997-2016: RBBX 84711 (xx) RED UNIT Flatcar 
 Car Body Type:  (CS) Carbon Steel
Brake Valve Type:  ABDXL
LAST Recycle Date:  12/30/1995 
NOTES:  2007 – [fold up] CATWALK added to both sides of car; removed during 2008.
 Equipment characteristics of RBBX 84711: AAR car type M530 (M-O-W, Scale, Passenger, Caboose, and End-of-train information systems), plate type B, tare weight 75,100 pounds, total gross weight allowed 200,000 pounds, load limit 100 pounds, external dimensions (length 94' 6", width 10' 0", height 6' 0"). [Courtesy of [i]BNSF Equipment Characteristics[/i], November 1999]

Railcar fleet details for RBBX 84711: Maintenance of Way, Scale, Passenger, Caboose and End-of-Train, Mechanical Designation: PS; Outside Length: 94 ft 6 in; AAR Car Type Code: M530; Outside Extreme Width: 10 ft 0 in; Outside Extreme Height: 6 ft 0 in; Height of Extreme Width: 3 ft 6 in; Plate Clearance: B; Tare Weight: 75,100 lbs. [Courtesy of [i]CSXT Railcar Fleet Details[/i], December 1999]

RBBX 80719

Original Reporting MarksFEC 4183
Ordered Dec. 1977; Built in 1978 by ACF (American Car & Foundry), lot No. 11-05615
AAR class FC; Car Code F077 as built.  Changed to type code P716, later P841.
Originally built for Trailers or Containers; painted brown with white lettering.

 Ringling Bros.’ ownership data:  Purchased from GATX, March 2008.
1978-2008:   FEC 4183 [North America] TOFC/COFC service
2008     Sold to RBBB Circus; acquired from GATX railcar services; Sent to DeCOURSEY, KY railcar shops - RECYCLE
2009-2015: RBBX 80719  (xx) RED UNIT Flatcar
2016 - RBBX 80719
 Car Body Type:  (CS) Carbon Steel
Brake Valve Type:  ABDXL (presumed)

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