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Passenger Trains > Betting man lies down on tracks, escapes

Date: 09/27/05 14:43
Betting man lies down on tracks, escapes
Author: GenePoon

On 26SEP05, a male pedestrian at Stockton, CA. on the BNSF laid down on the tracks as Amtrak San Joaquin, Train 718(26) approached. He placed his head on one side of the rails and feet on the other. Engineer blew horn and placed train into emergency braking; the pedestrian then got up, collected money from onlookers, and fled. Police were notified.

Date: 09/27/05 14:50
Re: Betting man lies down on tracks, escapes
Author: puckeringswine

Sorry to hear he got up.

Date: 09/27/05 15:17
Re: Betting man lies down on tracks, escapes
Author: PeterGriffin


Date: 09/27/05 16:30
Re: Betting man lies down on tracks, escapes
Author: jst3751

Nothing worth laughing at all.

I am sure the tramatized crew would gladly explain this to you.

Date: 09/27/05 16:49
Re: Betting man lies down on tracks, escapes
Author: johnw

It certainly is nothing to laugh about as far the as the engine crew is concerned! Every joker like this or kid playing chicken or nut case that drives around the gate and barely makes it puts a few more grey hairs on your head and increases the stress that can lead to an early demise. Somebody needs to catch this a-hole and beat him to a pulp and you would find lots of volunteers up there in the cab!

Date: 09/27/05 17:16
Re: Betting man lies down on tracks, escapes
Author: BaltoJoey

puckeringswine Wrote:
> Sorry to hear he got up.

I'm sorry I don't wish death on anyone. But like a previous poster said. This fellow needs to be taken in back of the outhouse!

Yes, this stuff plays havoc with the crews psyche.


Date: 09/27/05 18:37
Re: Betting man lies down on tracks, escapes
Author: puckeringswine

As a locomotive engineer who has actually jeopardized his passengers safety by placing the train into emergency for this kind of scumbag, only to have the smug idiot step aside as we screech by him in a shower of sparks, I think I know how the crews react in these situations. My use of dark humor is a result of being involved in these situations, and while I am happy there was know loss of life and further stress on the crew, I am still sorry to hear that he got up.

Date: 09/27/05 18:42
Re: Betting man lies down on tracks, escapes
Author: ProAmtrak

puckeringswine Wrote:
> As a locomotive engineer who has actually
> jeopardized his passengers safety by placing the
> train into emergency for this kind of scumbag,
> only to have the smug idiot step aside as we
> screech by him in a shower of sparks, I think I
> know how the crews react in these situations. My
> use of dark humor is a result of being involved in
> these situations, and while I am happy there was
> know loss of life and further stress on the crew,
> I am still sorry to hear that he got up.

I agree, if they still had ATS up there, he wouldn't of stood a chance! I for one also hope they get this jerk, that is pure stupidity!

Date: 09/27/05 19:13
Re: Betting man lies down on tracks, escapes
Author: PhantomofCajon

Puckeringswine, could not have said it better!

Date: 09/27/05 19:57
Re: Betting man lies down on tracks, escapes
Author: fjc

Had one dude on Friday night run across infront of me at Center Avenue in San Bruno, CA. This guy thought it was a victory when he made it across by putting both hands up, as though he scored a point in a game and was cheering about it. He narrowly missed getting killed, and I mean it was by inches because he ran across from one side and then in an instance he was on the otherside. I was pretty relaxed that trip too, damn hairs on my head about stood on end when he did this too as he starlted me from his actions. He's just damn lucky that he didn't trip, because it was that close, I ain't kidding and I doubt he knew how close it atually was.

The idiot that won the bet should use the money for bail after he gets arrested for his actions the next time around if there's another incident as such, or he may be lucky and instead use this as down payment against his coffin.

Date: 09/27/05 20:36
Re: Betting man lies down on tracks, escapes
Author: BaltoJoey

These instances are another reason to put cameras on the front end. If one was in place maybe they could have caught this guy after close examination of the film.


Date: 09/27/05 21:20
Re: Betting man lies down on tracks, escapes... barely
Author: Highspeed

[alternate ending...]

GenePoon Wrote:
> Engineer blew horn and placed train into
> emergency braking; the pedestrian then got up,
> collected money from onlookers.

Engineer then got off equipment, beat the crap out of pedestrian-terrorist (whose actions might have resulted in a derailment and injuries) and went back to the train and collected money from the conductor!

Moral of the story: Never bet an engineer – they'll rarely pass up an opportunity to earn another twenty bucks!

[The preceding was the product of a fertile mind, and in no way should be confused with reality.]

Date: 09/27/05 21:29
Re: Betting man lies down on tracks, escapes... barely
Author: Amtkrd4man

Guy is lucky in the fact that the engineer did plug it...Some out here won't plug a train and risk injury to the passengers until they hear the thud!!!

Date: 09/28/05 00:17
Re: Betting man lies down on tracks, escapes... barely
Author: AMW Engr

Considering it was dark out, it was quite difficult to see this guy until we were approacing the platform. At first it looked like debris between the rails, however as we got closer it was obvious it was a human. Your first thought when you see someone laying across the rails is "suicide". I didn't think this guy was going to get up. Since we already had the brakes set for the station stop, by placing the train into emergency we actually stopped pretty quickly (actually about 15 feet from running over this guy).

The next thing he did was get up and start dancing around and took his shirt off. (Here is where your adrenaline turns to anger.) Next he tried to jump infront of a bus. Obviously under the influence of drugs or alcohol...

Our main concern was not to hit this guy infront of a platform full of passengers... We later learned that the Stockton PD apprehended this guy and had problems with him before. I consider him lucky to have gone to jail rather than the morgue.

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