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Date: 11/20/22 12:52
Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: Graybeard1942

Any other old guys out there have difficulty climbing into an Amtrak coach car?  The conductor did not put out of "step" even though one was just inside the door. There are hand rails on only one side of the entrance.

Date: 11/20/22 13:06
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: PHall

Superliner Coach, Amfleet/Horizon/Viewliner Coach????   Can you be a bit more specific please?

Date: 11/20/22 13:23
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: dpudave

When I messed up my knee I had the devil's own time getting into the bi level sleeper on the Chief. You're correct: grab handles only on one side. Someone wasn't thinking. An easily rectified blunder, I would think. d

Date: 11/20/22 14:56
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: CPR_4000

The trainman saw you were having trouble getting on and still couldn't bother to put down the stepbox? Nice.

Date: 11/20/22 15:08
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: joemvcnj

Don't they have a ramp inside they can toss out ? 

Date: 11/20/22 16:02
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: jp1822

joemvcnj Wrote:
> Don't they have a ramp inside they can toss out
> ? 

Superliners - yes. It's in by the luggage rack. If one car doesn't have it, another would. All Superliners were, or are, equipped with portable foldable metal ramps (or always have been). The Viewliners, Amfleets, and Horizons - low level platform boarding can be difficult at some stations!!!

Date: 11/20/22 18:40
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: DavidP

It's awful that after all of the money Amtrak has spent to make stations and equipment ADA compliant, accessibility can be thwarted by a careless employee not putting out a simple step box.


Date: 11/20/22 19:18
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: BoilingMan

Here's what you do:  As you approach the door you say, "I'm going to need a step box".
Pretty sure that'll do the trick.

Date: 11/20/22 19:37
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: Graybeard1942

#14 was nine minutes late; the conductor clearly wanted to get out of town.  He told everyone else to "hurry up".  I'll be online tomorrow trying to get my refund; it was a round trip ticket.

Date: 11/20/22 20:48
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: CPR_4000

Nine minutes late is ahead of schedule by Amtrak standards.

Date: 11/20/22 21:03
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: Spoony81

Graybeard1942 Wrote:
> #14 was nine minutes late; the conductor clearly
> wanted to get out of town.  He told everyone else
> to "hurry up".  I'll be online tomorrow trying to
> get my refund; it was a round trip ticket.


Posted from iPhone

Date: 11/20/22 21:10
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: P

BoilingMan Wrote:
> Here's what you do:  As you approach the door you
> say, "I'm going to need a step box".
> Pretty sure that'll do the trick.
> SR

That's ingenious. I wonder if anyone else has thought of that?

Posted from Android

Date: 11/20/22 21:13
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: Spoony81

P Wrote:
> BoilingMan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Here's what you do:  As you approach the door
> you
> > say, "I'm going to need a step box".
> > Pretty sure that'll do the trick.
> > SR
> That's ingenious. I wonder if anyone else has
> thought of that?
> Posted from Android

Apparently not the OP who now wants a refund

Posted from iPhone

Date: 11/20/22 22:10
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: TomG

Spoony81 Wrote:

> > That's ingenious. I wonder if anyone else has
> > thought of that?
> >
> > Posted from Android
> Apparently not the OP who now wants a refund

This is an ADA issue. With the right lawyer he will be riding on Amtrak in a private car with a dozen attendants.

Date: 11/21/22 04:04
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: goduckies

Graybeard1942 Wrote:
> #14 was nine minutes late; the conductor clearly
> wanted to get out of town.  He told everyone else
> to "hurry up".  I'll be online tomorrow trying to
> get my refund; it was a round trip ticket.

Refund for what?

Posted from Android

Date: 11/21/22 04:05
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: goduckies

TomG Wrote:
> Spoony81 Wrote:
> > > That's ingenious. I wonder if anyone else has
> > > thought of that?
> > >
> > > Posted from Android
> >
> >
> > Apparently not the OP who now wants a refund
> >
> This is an ADA issue. With the right lawyer he
> will be riding on Amtrak in a private car with a
> dozen attendants.

And that is why we hate lawyers... did he ask for help? Did the conductor say no? If neither of those happened he has no case.

Date: 11/21/22 04:25
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: dpudave

My issue is with the absence of grab bars on both sides of the door. The car attendant was most helpful, and a great guy throughout, but even with the stool I needed a kick in the rear end. Better now. d

Date: 11/21/22 05:11
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: RevRandy

TomG Wrote: (IN PART)
> This is an ADA issue. With the right lawyer he
> will be riding on Amtrak in a private car with a
> dozen attendants.

No, it is not an ADA issue - if the OP had alerted AMTRAK to the need for assistance in boarding, accommodation would have been made - in a form appropriate to the equipment, the platform, etc.:  the aforementioned ramp for superliner cars, a gap plate for single level cars at high level platforms, the special handcranked  "elevator" for single level cars when not at a high level platform.

The same way, if someone does not tell AMTRAK about special needs but finds that there are stairs to the upstairs roomettes which one cannot navigate, that is not an ADA issue.  Adequate accommodation is available if the carrier is notified.


Date: 11/21/22 05:29
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: robj

Graybeard1942 Wrote:
> #14 was nine minutes late; the conductor clearly
> wanted to get out of town.  He told everyone else
> to "hurry up".  I'll be online tomorrow trying to
> get my refund; it was a round trip ticket.


Posted from Android

Date: 11/21/22 08:56
Re: Difficulty boarding Amtrak coach
Author: MaryMcPherson

dpudave Wrote:
> My issue is with the absence of grab bars on both
> sides of the door.

These?  Granted it takes a decent wingspan to reach both at once, but they are there.  Plus vertical and horizontal immediately inside the door.

Mary McPherson
Dongola, IL
Diverging Clear Productions

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/21/22 08:59 by MaryMcPherson.

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