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Passenger Trains > $90 million dollars into SEPTA's proposed 4 mile extention

Date: 03/17/23 15:52
$90 million dollars into SEPTA's proposed 4 mile extention
Author: Mgoldman

Any updates on SEPTA's proposed four mile transit extension from Norristown, PA
just outside of Philadelphia, PA to King of Prussia?

To date, close to $90,000,000.00 has been spent on this project to extend the
Norristown "Hight Spped" Line. 

Any new stations?
New equipment?
Aquisition of land?

Oh, wait, never mind:
It's been canceled.

SEPTA halts King of Prussia rail project due to rising costs

Looks like they underestimated the cost of the project - up from 2 billion dollars
to 3 billion dollars - and rising.



Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/17/23 15:53 by Mgoldman.

Date: 03/17/23 16:34
Re: $90 million dollars into SEPTA's proposed 4 mile extention
Author: kevink

Date: 03/17/23 16:48
Re: $90 million dollars into SEPTA's proposed 4 mile extention
Author: MEKoch

Why should four miles of above-ground railroad cost 2-3 billion dollars?   That is American insanity.  

Date: 03/17/23 18:00
Re: $90 million dollars into SEPTA's proposed 4 mile extention
Author: Wurli1938

Because of graft, kickbacks, study after study, impact statements , etc.

Posted from Android

Date: 03/17/23 18:02
Re: $90 million dollars into SEPTA's proposed 4 mile extention
Author: Wurli1938

Because of graft, kickbacks, study after study, impact statements , etc.

Posted from Android

Date: 03/17/23 19:28
Re: $90 million dollars into SEPTA's proposed 4 mile extention
Author: pdt

90M  in corruption and petty squabbling.   This is why Im glad i dont live in this area anymore.  Honesty is looked at as "what, are u crazy?"
Its just terrible on both sides of the aisle.

Date: 03/17/23 21:00
Re: $90 million dollars into SEPTA's proposed 4 mile extention
Author: abyler

I'm old enough to remember when this was thought to be a $50 million project and the Pennsylvania DOT decided to kick start work on it by buying the requried extra Norristown line equipment from ABB in the late 1980's..

Date: 03/18/23 05:43
Re: $90 million dollars into SEPTA's proposed 4 mile extention
Author: joemvcnj

I think I remember them proposing something to there in 1976.

It will never happen.

Posted from Android

Date: 03/18/23 11:49
Re: $90 million dollars into SEPTA's proposed 4 mile extension
Author: arrow611

And SEPTA always wants everything "gold plated," so to speak. Usually too much "fluff" over substance.

Date: 03/18/23 14:55
Article about SEPTA proposed KOP rail extension not accessible
Author: RuleG

Mgoldman Wrote:

> SEPTA halts King of Prussia rail project due to
> rising costs
> https://www.bizjournals.com/philadelphia/news/2023
> /03/17/septa-halts-king-of-prussia-rail-project.ht
> ml
> Looks like they underestimated the cost of the
> project - up from 2 billion dollars
> to 3 billion dollars - and rising.
> /Mitch

I am not able to access this article due to a paywall.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/23 15:48 by RuleG.

Date: 03/18/23 16:16
Re: Article about SEPTA proposed KOP rail extension not accessibl
Author: Mgoldman

RuleG Wrote:
> I am not able to access this article due to a
> paywall.

It basically states that SEPTA spent close to $90 million dollars for the
artist's concept image below, along with an analysis by professionals
indicating that the project had merit and could be done for a billion less
than it would actually cost.  Y'konw... standard fair.  Check the article
linked below my link.  My link was not paywall when I accessed it.

Here's another link:  

Apparently officlals blame the local governments for being so stingy and
unlikely to cover the required 40% share of a 3 billion dollar 4 mile long all
new extention. 


Edit - looks like I was mistaken - there are actaully quite a few artist's
concept shots!  The one seen here is the most popular.


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/23 16:22 by Mgoldman.

Date: 03/18/23 16:31
Re: Article about SEPTA proposed KOP rail extension not accessibl
Author: RuleG

Mgoldman Wrote:
> RuleG Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I am not able to access this article due to a
> > paywall.
> >  

> Here's another link:  
> https://billypenn.com/2023/03/17/septa-pulls-the-p
> lug-on-kop-rail-pausing-the-3b-project-over-fta-co
> ncerns/
I am able to access the link.  Thank you for posting it.

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