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Passenger Trains > Oddity

Date: 02/08/04 20:21
Author: Amtrak214

Amtrak # 11 streaking through Ventura, CA with cars waiting and streaking by.

Date: 02/09/04 14:24
Re: Oddity
Author: Gibby

Okay, I understand "streaking" during the late 60's and into the 70's, but where's the "streakor"? Still a great shot of the auto at the crossing...

Date: 02/10/04 04:49
Re: Oddity & Streaking
Author: Phil

They call it "the streak". Don't look Ethyl! Too late - she'd already been mooned!


Date: 02/10/04 15:18
Re: Oddity & Streaking
Author: rdg484

Hey I remember that Ray Stevens classic!!

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