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International Railroad Discussion > US Ambassadors ride the Chinese and Japanese trains

Date: 12/28/22 14:25
US Ambassadors ride the Chinese and Japanese trains
Author: Lackawanna484

The Wall Street Journal has an article today about Nicholas Burns, US Ambassador to China, and Rahm Emmanuel, US Ambassador to Japan, and their enjoyment of high speed trains.  Both men have endeared themselves to the locals with frequent rides on the train services. Both countries have great pride in their rail systems.

One ANA pilot sent a note back to Mr Emmanuel  recommending a train trip he should take on his arrival. A train crew invited him "up front" on another high speed trip.  Mr Burns attracted attention by taking two trips in second class, which was noticed in the highly class conscious Communist society.  Mr Burns was impressed with a teacup which barely moved on the 200 mph train.

The comments section of the article has the usual drivel. Lazy workers, crooked politicians, unions, bloated budgets, California high speed rail, etc.

Paywall likely:  https://www.wsj.com/articles/high-speed-rail-trains-u-s-china-japan-11672242408?mod=hp_featst_pos5

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