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International Railroad Discussion > A Happy New Year

Date: 01/01/23 00:00
A Happy New Year
Author: Hiroshi

To All:

A Happy New Year!


Date: 01/01/23 04:43
Re: A Happy New Year
Author: pedrop

Happy 2023 from the other side of the planet!!!

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 01/01/23 10:47
Re: A Happy New Year
Author: baretables

Happy New Years, Hiroshi.  Thankyou for showing your pictures here.  (Same to you, Pedro.)

Date: 01/01/23 13:29
Re: A Happy New Year
Author: krm152

Happy New Year!!!


Date: 01/01/23 14:33
Re: A Happy New Year
Author: DKay

And to you Hiroshi. 

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