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Railfan Technology > Testing jpeg color and brightness.

Date: 11/06/22 06:23
Testing jpeg color and brightness.
Author: jkh2cpu

I'm having some trouble on my end determining what photos look like, so I'm posting this. If the color or brightness is 'weird' please comment, and tell me what is off. It's either my editor (gimp) or my nef exporter (darktable). TIA. John.

Date: 11/06/22 06:55
Re: Testing jpeg color and brightness.
Author: jkh2cpu

Never mind, I found the problem. I build gimp in linux, using the latest up-to-date source code. Heh. That newest code has a bug, which I'll get reported. Right now, I'm using gimp-2.99.12, which is their latest release of the upcoming gimp-3.0 series. There are no jpeg problems with what I'm using. Here's the latest gimp-2.99.12 image hot off my machine. I took this at Durand, before the trains started to come.

Date: 11/06/22 18:23
Re: Testing jpeg color and brightness.
Author: jgilmore

First one looks fine to me, nothing weird showing up...


Date: 11/07/22 05:27
Re: Testing jpeg color and brightness.
Author: jkh2cpu

My problem seems to be related to an update, as I installed gimp's latest release of the soon-to-come gimp-3.0, and I don't have the problem anymore. It will get fixed, and then I'll go back to the bleeding edge ;-)

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