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Railfan Technology > Photoshop issueDate: 12/14/24 18:20 Photoshop issue Author: srman I have Windows 7 and Photoshop 21 installed in my computer. Everything has been working until recently. A couple of weeks ago I kept getting
"Could not intiialize photoshop elements because the disc is full" when I tried to open to work on images. I transferred a few hundred images to an external hard drive and and wiped them from the computer. Walla I was back in business. Now photoshop just won't open. I click on the icon and shows up but when I click to open it just spins trying to open. That stops but that's as far as I can get. I'm not the most savvy person on computers and the lingo. Is there a simple solution to this issue? Thank you Date: 12/16/24 11:05 Re: Photoshop issue Author: robj Not pretending to be a trouble shooter but......
I assume you have looked at properties on your "C" Drive and you have a adequate amount of free disc space. I assume after you deleted files you emptied the trash on the trash icon on the desk top, deleting files does not always free up disc space as it is save to restore until trash is emptied. Sorry if mentioning thing you already know. You have old software so there should not have been updates but you may want to think back if you added other software(ie new elements) or had any other issues hardware or software. Bob Jordan Windows ,7 goes back to 2009 so might be time to start thinking about something new. It is challenging, I hate it but......... Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/16/24 13:45 by robj. Date: 12/16/24 17:31 Re: Photoshop issue Author: radar I would run diagnostics on the C: drive. Chances are it's failing and getting corrupted. Get your data off of that machine while you still can. It's not a good idea to be using a machine with Windows 7 for any internet browsing or business transactions because patches and updates stopped many years ago. That makes it a hacker's playground. Time for a new computer and a new version of photo editing software.
Date: 12/24/24 09:34 Re: Photoshop issue Author: skyview Also, be sure to try a reboot :) lots of times that solves things... but sounds like memory and/or storage issues overall.
Date: 12/24/24 10:34 Re: Photoshop issue Author: trainjunkie Do you have more than one disk in the computer? If so allocate the one with the most available disk space to be the scratch drive in PS preferences. I don't know what the Preferences pane in Windows looks like but on MacOS it looks like this.
![]() Date: 12/24/24 11:34 Re: Photoshop issue Author: wabash2800 Not applicabe to the OP, but I thought I saw that Microsoft is ending support for Windows 10 in January 2025. I dread that because many of my programs might not be compatable with a newer version of Microsoft.
Victor Baird Date: 12/25/24 13:52 Re: Photoshop issue Author: longliveSP wabash2800 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Not applicabe to the OP, but I thought I saw that > Microsoft is ending support for Windows 10 in > January 2025. The end of support does not mean it will not still work. It means that if a security or other problem is find, it quite possibly will not be fixed. Date: 12/26/24 10:52 Re: Photoshop issue Author: ReadingRR Wrong date. MS official end date is Oct 14, 2025. Plenty of time to prepare!
Paul Date: 12/26/24 12:57 Re: Photoshop issue Author: wabash2800 Thanks.
Victor Baird |