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Western Railroad Discussion > grades near las vegas, nevada

Date: 02/06/04 15:27
grades near las vegas, nevada
Author: bobgh

What are the best spots to watch trains working a grade within 50 miles of Las Vegas, Nevada?

Date: 02/06/04 15:28
Re: grades near las vegas, nevada
Author: riff

Cima Hill, California......paved road right next to the tracks.

Date: 02/06/04 18:00
Re: grades near las vegas, nevada
Author: up833

How far west is Cima Hill from Vegas?
thanks/ Roger

Date: 02/06/04 19:40
Re: grades near las vegas, nevada
Author: brettrw

For Info on the 2 subs serving Las Vegas, please see my pages @ http://www.trainweb.org/brettrw/maps/cimasub/cimasubmap.html for the Cima Sub and http://www.trainweb.org/brettrw/maps/calientesub/calientesubmap.html for the Caliente Sub

Cima is approximately 75 miles from the center of LV to the Hill.

Hope this helps


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