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Nostalgia & History > Eastern RR fans: L&HR location ID help needed

Date: 09/17/10 09:59
Eastern RR fans: L&HR location ID help needed
Author: chico

The LHR engine facility, c. 1971. can anyone tell me where this was at? I'm not qualified in this territory..


Date: 09/17/10 10:12
Re: Eastern RR fans: L&HR location ID help needed
Author: wlankenau

Warwick, NY.

Date: 09/17/10 10:15
Re: Eastern RR fans: L&HR location ID help needed
Author: chico

thanks a ton.


Date: 09/17/10 10:24
Re: Eastern RR fans: L&HR location ID help needed
Author: CFG

Is it still there? Connected to live rail? Thanks in advance for any help.

Date: 09/17/10 10:51
Re: Eastern RR fans: L&HR location ID help needed
Author: chico

CFG Wrote:
> Is it still there? Connected to live rail?
> Thanks in advance for any help.

satellite view: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=warwick,+ny&wrapid=tlif12847456983122&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl

looks like its used for some rail-related industry


Date: 09/17/10 11:13
Re: Eastern RR fans: L&HR location ID help needed
Author: scottp

Warwick, N.Y. is where the folk-singing Roche sisters get their fan mail...

"Once you step on
you might never get off
of the commuter train
it doesn't go very far away
but just the same
it's a trip and a half..."

Date: 09/17/10 11:44
Re: Eastern RR fans: L&HR location ID help needed
Author: njmidland

Used by Jones Chemical.

chico Wrote:
> CFG Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Is it still there? Connected to live rail?
> > Thanks in advance for any help.
> satellite view:
> looks like its used for some rail-related
> industry
> chico

Date: 09/17/10 12:30
Re: Eastern RR fans: L&HR location ID help needed
Author: icancmp193

One of my favorite haunts of the early 70's, which looks to be about when the photo was taken.

Tom Y

Date: 09/17/10 12:37
Re: Eastern RR fans: L&HR location ID help needed
Author: chico

yup, early 70s. High Iron tour w/NKP 759 out of the view to the left. I'll upload those scenes soon.

If you look at the satellite view, you can clearly make out the scar of a roundhouse/turntable south of the Jones Chemical property.


Date: 09/17/10 12:54
Re: Eastern RR fans: L&HR location ID help needed
Author: njmidland

Roundhouse burned down in the late 1950's. Biggest loss was the L&HR's business car the "Warwick". It was rarely used but kept in excellent condition.

Date: 09/17/10 13:03
Re: Eastern RR fans: L&HR location ID help needed
Author: CFG

The sat view helps me a lot. Thanks to all who helped. bob

Date: 09/17/10 21:21
Re: Eastern RR fans: L&HR location ID help needed
Author: RayH

Looks like my model railroad, with 2 L&HR RS-3's and 2 C-420's.

Made many a trip to Warwick myself, sadly it was after the RS-3's left the property.

Have to go the Springdale AR now to see the LHR C420's still soldiering on!

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