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Nostalgia & History > Railroad Section Men

Date: 03/01/13 06:04
Railroad Section Men
Author: flynn

I did a Google Image Search for Railroad Section Men and obtained the following pictures.

Picture 1 is from the following website,


Picture 1, “B & O Railroad Section Gang (ca. 1921). “This group of men was responsible for raising the level of the tracks two feet, at the highest point from Rosedale to the St. Joe crossing. This task was accomplished by manually tamping stone beneath the ties, raising the tracks no more than two inches at a time. Pictured are (left to right) front row: Harold Mohr, Reginald Moore, unknown, Charles Rhoades, Charlie Jonesback. Second row: Ned Gessner, James Panico, Marvin Cole, Ambrose Kenner, Ward Bell, Milo Miller, Charles Jones. Back row: Edward Potter, John Higgenbottom, Roscoe Etchen, John Stauffer, Walter Hootman. From the History of Defiance County Ohio Illustrated 1976.”

Date: 03/01/13 06:06
Re: Railroad Section Men
Author: flynn

Picture 2 is from the following website,


Picture 2, “Railroad men- Robert Lee McFarland b.March 1872 is the older man to the far right. The man in the back is my Uncle,Jim Powell b. February 22, 1904, and the man next to Robert is thought to be Clarence McFarland b. September 18, 1899 . The other men to the left have not been identified. If you can identify any of these men, please contact Linda Levan Roy or the webmaster.”

Date: 03/01/13 06:08
Re: Railroad Section Men
Author: flynn

Picture 3 is from the following website,


Picture 3, “It all changed over time as new motive power was acquired and as mixed train service was abandoned. For example, trains on Marshall Pass in the mid-twenties still used short cabooses at times like 0573, 0575, and 0578. As the K-36s and K-37s came into use, the short caboose pretty much disappeared. In later years, they were often used to carry section men on flanger and snow plow trains.”

Date: 03/01/13 06:10
Re: Railroad Section Men
Author: flynn

Picture 4 is from the following website,


Picture 4, “A railroad construction crew at the site known as the "Big Cut". This photo was provided by Mike O’Neal, formerly of Scott County, and now of the Tullahoma community. He is looking for the identity of the men in the work crew. Anyone with information can contact Josetta Griffith at First National Bank (423) 569-8586 or call the Independent Herald (423) 569-6343.”

Date: 03/01/13 06:11
Re: Railroad Section Men
Author: flynn

Picture 5 is from the following website,


Picture 5, “L&N Railroad Section Gang at Conway, Rockcastle County, Kentucky, ca. 1929 - 1930. Pictured (l-r): William F. Phillips, foreman; Mr. Houndshell; unknown; Henry Huff; Charley Huff; John Banks; Park Thomas; Bill Sparks; and Oscar Bell. The men are seen here with their motorcar, picks, and ballast forks. Foreman Phillips was the father of retired L&N/CSX Railroad signalman, Chester F. Phillips. Perhaps someone knows Mr. Houndshell's first name and who the unidentified worker is.”

Date: 03/01/13 06:13
Re: Railroad Section Men
Author: flynn

Picture 6 is from the following website,


Picture 6, “More than 1,000 men were employed by the Central Railroad Shops at one time. By the they closed in 1939, only 475 men worked there.”

Date: 03/01/13 06:14
Re: Railroad Section Men
Author: flynn

Picture 7 is from the following website,


Picture 7, “An early 1900's photograph of a Pere Marquette Railroad track gang at Vasser, Michigan.”

Date: 03/01/13 06:16
Re: Railroad Section Men
Author: flynn

Picture 8 is from the following website,


Picture 8, “Men standing by Barnum & Bailey circus railroad car.”

Date: 03/01/13 06:18
Re: Railroad Section Men
Author: flynn

Picture 9 is from the following website,


Picture 9, “Image of a Train Gang from Duffy’s Cut.”

Date: 03/01/13 06:19
Re: Railroad Section Men
Author: flynn

Picture 10, I cannot find in my files the website for picture 10. I would appreciate any speculation as to the location where this picture was taken in an effort to find the website.

Picture 10, No information.

Date: 03/02/13 06:17
Re: Railroad Section Men
Author: cabman

My God, it really was a white man's world in those days, wasn't it? Check those photos closely!

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