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Passenger Trains > Modoc Railroad Academy Mess!!

Date: 11/22/00 19:02
Modoc Railroad Academy Mess!!
Author: boxcarjoe

Anyone know about the Modoc Academy in Sacramento?? I hear that they have been thrown out of the ST&E Railroad in Stockton for lying to the FRA. Apparently, they are now using the Portola Museum for their hands on stuff. What is going on?? First they were in Alturas, stole everything they could get there, moved to Sacramento and Stockton and have apparently screwed that up too. Is the Portola Museum next to be a victim of these screwed up people??? Where will it all end?? Are they a real company or just a bunch of wantabees that are taking peoples money??? I talked to a student and he told me that the main people were just taking the money and not giving good training. He was really upset that he didn't get what he paid for. He also said that the rest of the students were upset too. anyone know about these crooks??? What is up with Portola Museum??? Don't they know about these people or are they on the take also??? They are a bunch of crooked cheats and should not be in business any place!! Anyone else know what is going on??? They are supposed to be sending all of their students to the Amtrak to work?? Is Amtrak that desperate to hire these people that haven't been trained properly??Is Amtrak really that desperate for help??

Date: 11/22/00 19:20
Author: superdave

be bothered to quadruple post by using the modelling board, joe?

Date: 11/23/00 14:02
RE: Can't
Author: boxcarjoe

I don't understand what you mean. could you say it another way? I just want to find out the truth before I spend my money for this school. thannks.

Date: 11/23/00 17:53
RE: Can't
Author: MrOaktown

<I just want to find out the truth before I spend my money for this school. thannks.>

From the sound of your talk you've already made up your mind.

Date: 11/23/00 20:23
RE: Can't
Author: boxcarjoe

I haven't made up my mind yet, but the information I was told makes me wonder if they are real. I just wanted to know if anyone else heard the same things I had. That all. I don't like the way you responded to my questions. I don't need your attitude. If you don't know, why did you respond? Aren't we allowed to ask questions on this board?? Most of the time, people with answers or help will answer. If people don't know, they should not answer with an attitude. thanks.

Date: 11/23/00 21:33
Cool Off Joe!
Author: pacificeclectic

I haven't checked all of the boards but it's not normally considered proper etiquette to hit multiple boards at the same site with the same question. And your question could just as easily been asked with a simple, "Has anyone heard anything positive or negative about the XXXXXX subject?" You hit the board "flames on" accusing these people of being thieves, accused other organizations essentially of being suckers, etc, etc. for quite a long paragraph. Then you get offended when people zap back.

What you did, intentionally or otherwise is the cyber equivalent of walking into a cozy little neighborhood bar (where everybody is already pretty comfortable with most of the regulars but a little stand-offish to newcomers) and shouted, "Hey anybody know anything about the dumb, stupid, thieving &*(^%)s who maybe parked too close to the fire hydrant last week?" You aren't going to get a cordial response.

Date: 11/24/00 16:15
RE: Cool Off Joe!
Author: boxcarjoe

1. Aren't you doing the same thing??? 2. I was always told that if you had a question, ask. Isn't that what I did??? 3. I was also told that if you didn't have anything to say on the subject, you should not say anything. 4. I simply ask a question regarding the Modoc Academy in response to some things I heard. 5. and lastly, I only want to hear from people with some information on the subject, not from people that have an opinion on a subject they have no knowledge about. I didn't ask for opinions. If I had, I would have expected you to respond. But, if you read my message, you would know that I asked a question. I expected answers, not opinions, especially negative ones like yours. Again, I still ask the questions. If anyone has any answers, not opinions, please let me know. Otherwise, you don't need to waste your time and other peoples time with all your negativism. Thanks.

Date: 11/24/00 19:30
be cool
Author: MrOaktown

Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me!
First of all, I don't any affiliation or any information on the Modoc Railroad Academy. They could me Angels or they could be Devils.

You seem to take offense to someone who questions your intention in posting such a post.
My comment obviously wasn't welcomed by you but wasn't intended to be either. Posts and responses will never be perfect, and if someone decides to react to your post focusing on your subliminal intent or bias, there's not much you can do to stop them from voicing their opinion. Thats how it works here. Just don't read it and move on.

Although my comment to your post was not addressing the issue of "Modoc Academy Mess", I was reacting to the fact that I believed you DID have some negative bias in the way you expressed your "question". And yes, you are entitled to it as a citizen of the United States. However, I wonder why you had to do it in such manner as you did and it looked like I wasn't the only one who felt this way about your "Question". Just like the fact that you have every right to fart, but in public?
As a whole, Trainorders, Altamont Press etc. is a relatively friendly community that exercises common internet etiquette.
The manner that you responded to pacific electric and I on the Amtrak board was rather rude and militant. Pacific Electric was only reinforcing some of the basic manners that we exercise here in the internet community and did not deserve such a response.
It doesn't help your credibility to post on several boards here for desired maximum effect either. From my interpretation of Todd Clark's (the webmaster trainorders.com if you didn't know) guidelines, I believe "Modoc Academy Mess" should have been posted on the Western Board only. I've decided to post my reaction on all of the boards (including Altamont Press)that you've decided to post on for maximum effect.
Many of us know each other away from the computer screen and in person and handle ourselves, our posts and our responses in such a manner that we would if we were to discuss, argue or speak about our hobby in person face to face. When civility is lost on a
This is an example of why people have left boards for email lists and webmasters/sites have had to have some form of registration.

Please try to be more Objective than Subjective next time you ask a question.

Date: 11/24/00 20:08
RE: Cool Off Joe!
Author: pacificeclectic

You just aren't getting it Joe. Please read this very slowly and carefully and then wait a while before you leap to the keyboard.

Perhaps you are new to the net game. As I pointed out, you asked an insulting set of redundant questions and then were confused and upset when people responded in a negative manner. I tried to save you future similar responses. You chose to not read my answer as an attempt to offer friendly assistance. Perhaps you are already to well flamed to consider that.

Many people feel free to be insulting and offensive in ways that they probably wouldn't be if they were actually face to face. Your original posts are possibly evidence of that or perhaps you are simply intentionally offensive and abrasive. Get used to responses in kind or at least get prepared to be really unhappy with your net experience. FWIW (this means "For what it's worth")you can and should expect to get lots of offensive answers because you asked your questions in lots of places. So as you found out, you got three sets of responses that weren't too pleasant.

I politely and succinctly explained how and why your questioning method didn't get you what you desired in the way of responses. Instead of digesting the assistance I and several others tried to provide you, you continue to be offensive.

Let me make it a little simpler: You want a polite answer? Ask a polite question. You want a simple and direct answer? Ask a simple and direct question.

You can learn from this experience. We have. Good luck in your future endeavors and career. You are going to need it.

Date: 11/25/00 10:08
RE: Very Well Said
Author: chrisb

Very well said, pacificelectric. I e-mailed boxcarjoe when he first posted with advice that he was entering the area of libel. His "questions" are accusations and serious one at that. If true, fine and dandy, but he may need a good lawyer and money to pay the lawyer and court costs to prove it.

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