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Western Railroad Discussion > on the road again . . .

Date: 09/21/22 19:06
on the road again . . .
Author: 3rdswitch

.   .   .   another nice day on the KCS today with much cleaner units for the most part. Once again due to being busy, spent most of the day in the same general area, and, once again, ran into a number of fans, which is unusual for me. Started the morning out heading for Watts to try and catch the dodger but heard a southbound approaching which turned out to be the same Harzog ballast train that ran north yesterday coming south just south of Watts (top) then watched and waited while the dodger switched then departed north for the days work   .   .   .
.   .   .   twelve more to come    .    .   .

Date: 09/21/22 19:06
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: 3rdswitch

heard a UP coal load coming south and while searching for a spot in Saloam Springs, very surprised to see a number of cars at the crossing as well as both KCS personell and three railfans, two working rails and one retired BNSF engineer. The reason, a KCS CP publicity special was tied down in the siding, but since there was a small derailment at Watts yard, traffic was snarled and there would be no track and time for the special today. The UP coal train passing south end of special, then coming and going. More foreign power than I have seen previously on KCS
.   .   .   nine more to come   .   .   .

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/21/22 19:12 by 3rdswitch.

Date: 09/21/22 19:06
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: 3rdswitch

.   .   .   one of the working rails took me to one of his "secret spots" south of Saloam Springs as we knew two north were coming, first a manifest and second an coal empty coming and DPU's going
.   .   .   six more to come   .   .   .

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/21/22 19:15 by 3rdswitch.

Date: 09/21/22 19:07
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: 3rdswitch

.   .   .   not long after, a southbound BNSF coal train was climbing into Gentry, AR, then passing through via the siding as the dodger worked and industry off the main. I was hoping to catch the dodger heading back to Watts, but, they just kept switching and switching and switching and I wanted to make Texarkana for the night
.   .   .   three more to come   .   .   .

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/21/22 19:18 by 3rdswitch.

Date: 09/21/22 19:07
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: 3rdswitch

.   .   .   finally back to the special at Saloam Springs, there were spotless units on both ends and if anyone just happens to be in the vacinity, they "plan" on filming the rest of the week and lastly, on my way once again south, the above BNSF coal train had been at Watts for a while meeing two north that I did not catch but caught him leaving at the second crossing south of Watts. Another pretty busy day on the KCS with seven caught and three missed in daylight.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/21/22 19:23 by 3rdswitch.

Date: 09/21/22 19:44
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: Ritzville

Really NICE series!


Date: 09/21/22 20:17
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: oyw

Another score!

Date: 09/21/22 23:48
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: Railfan4Christ

Great series!


Date: 09/22/22 06:16
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: KimHeusel

Great series of shots. Have been enjoying all of your "on the road" series.

Kim Heusel

Date: 09/22/22 09:28
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: SP8595

Man, another Fantastic day with Great results/shots! 

Date: 09/22/22 15:13
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: ns1000

Nice pics!!

Date: 09/22/22 17:59
Re: on the road again . . .
Author: texchief1

Mighty fine shots!

RC Lundgren

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